Workplace Wellbeing

Now more than ever, workplace wellbeing is one of the key factors in employment and retention among businesses and is now predicted to be a focus for employers in 2019.


Recent findings from ADP have found that across Europe, out of 10,000 people surveyed 1 in 5 reported stress daily. More worryingly perhaps is that UK research found that 60% of employees have experienced symptoms of mental illness either as a result of work or having been impacted by work (Business in the Community, 2017).


It is great to see that because of this, most workplaces are now adopting practices of wellbeing to help employees feel happier and healthier, and ultimately motivated to achieve greater business success.


The CIPD have recently stated in their eighteenth annual survey (based on 4.6million employees) that “most respondents believe that their organisation’s health and well-being activity has had positive results in the last year, most commonly better employee morale and engagement (44%), a healthier and more inclusive culture (35%) and lower sickness absence (31%)”, which is great news.


In the North West, we shine the spotlight on one of the North’s largest business destinations, Birchwood Park, whose ethos is centred around creating a healthy and vibrant work-life balance.


Commercial Director of Birchwood Park, Martin O’Rourke believes that investment can go a long way to developing a happy, engaged and productive work force:


“Employers regularly cite aspects such as community events, the landscaped environment and amenities as improving employee happiness, general and mental wellbeing.


“Aside from benefits of decreased absence levels and increased productivity, it is clear that businesses are looking at the bigger picture. The importance of ensuring employees feel part of something more than the four walls of the office cannot be underestimated and simple initiatives from running groups and exercise classes, to BBQ socials in the summer can all contribute to the overall company culture.”


Birchwood Park has focussed on five key areas to help drive the wellbeing initiative: Amenities, flexible working, connectivity, office fit out and community. Employees are increasingly looking for office space that fits their lifestyle, and the Park has more benefits than you might think. It has 3 cafes, a restaurant, conference centre, gym, nursery, allotments, cycle scheme, car share, electric car charging points – the list goes on.


Today the Park goes from strength to strength, even conducting its own wellbeing studies to highlight their success. On taking the wellbeing agenda forward, O’Rourke said: “This is about blurring the distinctions between work and leisure and creating an environment that promotes continuous improvement, engagement and that all-important work/life balance.


“Get wellbeing right and the rewards will be endless.”